"Maha Shiva Rathri" Charity night to give comfort in the lives of the homeless

"Maha Shiva Rathri" Charity night to give comfort in the lives of the homeless
"MAHA-SHIVA-RATHRI" is the most significant night which happens once a year, and it is a tremendous astrological opportunity to transform someone's spiritual being. All the Shiva devotees worldwide spend this new moon night (the weakest moon of the year) with meditation, prayers, chants, fasting and celebrations to bring auspiciousness to their lives. This night, there is a natural upsurge of energies within the human system and all other earth organisms. Staying awake throughout the night with a vertical spine posture and spiritual activity may lead to a great awakening of Kundalini energy. Atharvanic Kriya Foundation (AKF) unites all the spiritually oriented Yogic minds like you to spend some valuable auspicious time in "Shiva Consciousness" to honour the life and celebrate our existence. In life's daily hustle and bustle, we forget our divine source of life force energy-that which is running us. So let us not waste our time doing anything other than GOOD THINGS like meditation, yoga, prayers, and something that helps others, like charity... towards this, AKF has planned to give 100 sleeping bags to the homeless people on the streets of Melbourne on this night. Therefore, I humbly request that you all support the homeless people by donating sleeping bags before this winter hits them badly. When we give of ourselves, we can't help but feel glad for the GOOD KARMA we have helped accomplish. So please help AKF make a little difference and give comfort in the lives of the homeless by donating money or sleeping bags by this Monday, 28th March 2022. Do you already have an unused sleeping bag and wish to donate it? Please email: info@atharvanickriya.org
Atharvanic Kriya Foundation has planned to give 100 sleeping bags to the homeless people on the streets of Melbourne on this "MAHA-SHIVA-RATHRI" night, 1st March 2022. Therefore, AKF humbly requests that you all support the homeless people by donating sleeping bags before this winter hits them badly.
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